My Approach

Here at Whole Body Dietitian my approach is simple, help you create a healthy relationship with food where you become the expert of your own body. I want to empower you to feel confident in the nutrition choices you are making without leaving you feeling overwhelmed on what to eat and how to feed your family. We can achieve this with an emphasis on whole foods nutrition, intuitive eating, and balance. One diet does not fit all and I will work with you to develop a plan that is completely individualized and sustainable to maintain your lifelong nutrition goals.

Here’s how it works:


Personalized Plan

I create a plan that’s all yours! Custom built around your specific tastes, preferences, and lifestyle.


Nutrition Coaching

We have monthly calls and video chats to check in and update your nutrition plan as needed.


Compliance Monitoring

With routine labs, communication with your primary care physicians, and food journals, we can keep you on track to make sure you are reaching your nutrition goals.



  • Pre and postnatal
  • Infant nutrition

  • Family nutrition
  • Medical nutrition therapy

  • Weight loss and weight gain
  • Enteral nutrition therapy
  • Bariatrics

Program Options

3 Months


Personalized nutrition plan, 3 private video sessions, unlimited email support, and possible lab work if needed

6 Months


Personalized nutrition plan, 6 private video sessions, unlimited email support, and possible lab work if needed

12 Months


Personalized nutrition plan, 12 private video sessions, unlimited email support, and possible lab work if needed